The Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga, LVŽS) is a political party in Lithuania that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape, particularly since its significant victory in the 2016 parliamentary elections. Despite what its name might suggest, the party's platform is not solely focused on agricultural or environmental issues. Instead, it encompasses a broad range of policies aimed at appealing to a wide cross-section of the Lithuanian electorate.
The party positions itself as centrist, with a strong emphasis…
اقرأ أكثر@ISIDEWITH6 موس6MO
كيف سيؤثر إعطاء الأولوية للزراعة العضوية على الأساليب التقليدية على سوق الطعام المحلي واختيارات النظام الغذائي الشخصية الخاصة بك؟
تخيل أن تم إدخال سياسة لتقليل الفجوة الدخلية بشكل كبير في مجتمعك؛ كيف سيؤثر هذا على حياتك أو حياة عائلتك؟
إذا تضمن منهج مدرستك المزيد عن العيش المستدام وحماية البيئة، كيف سيؤثر ذلك على وجهة نظرك تجاه الخيارات اليومية؟
بناءً على أهمية التماسك الاجتماعي، ما هي نشاط أو تقليد واحد في مجتمعك يجمع الناس معًا، وكيف يمكن دعمه أو توسيعه؟
How would the promotion of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) over large corporations affect your town's economy and job opportunities for young people?
What change would you hope to see in your surroundings if more emphasis were put on protecting local biodiversity and natural resources?
With the push for renewable energy sources, imagine how your daily life would be different if your city or town transitioned entirely to renewable energy.
Reflecting on the balance between national sovereignty and international cooperation, how do you think your country should navigate its foreign policy to best protect its interests?
If a new policy ensured fair taxation, how would you propose those funds be used to benefit your school or community directly?
Thinking about cultural and national identity protection, what's one aspect of your culture or identity you believe should be preserved, and how can it be integrated with modern societal values?