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Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but increase for large corporations and eliminate all loopholes as well. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses Raise

Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but increase rates for large corporations and eliminate all loopholes as well. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses but keep current rates for large corporations; and close all loopholes and deductions, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets, and instead give incentives to companies.


Lower taxes on small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and eliminate loopholes as well, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. Also, give tax credits/incentives to companies instead and focus on proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes on small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large ones and eliminate loopholes as well, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. Also, give tax credits to companies for hiring and expanding and focus on proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes on small and midsize businesses, but keep current rates (maybe increase it by a little) for large corporations and eliminate loopholes as well, so competition and economic opportunity can thrive.



Raise, but lower for corporations and businesses that only higher Americans

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

Lower taxes for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses, and higher for large multinational corporations and eliminate loopholes.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, and increase for large multinational corporations and eliminate all loopholes as well. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Raise taxes on large multinational corporations and eliminate all loopholes, and lower for micro, small and medium-sized businesses.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but increase rates for large corporations and eliminate all loopholes as well. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes for small businesses, but increase rates for large corporations and eliminate all deductions and loopholes as well. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Raise taxes on large corporations and eliminate all loopholes, and (slightly) lower for small and medium-sized businesses. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Increase for multinational corporations but remove taxes on businesses within the US

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

Lower taxes for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses, and higher for large multinational corporations and eliminate all loopholes.

  @MSelvig from Wyoming  answered…3yrs3Y

Neither. We should do away with the current tax system and pass The FAIRTax.


Raise for large multinational corporations and eliminate deductions and loop holes, but lower for small businesses

 @93ZMD7M from Kansas  answered…3yrs3Y


Taxation is theft and should be abolished for all American corporations that do not use foreign labor nor have offices abroad.


Lower, reform to a flat tax, abolish all taxes except sales tax, and require payment/ tolls for use of federal services to make them self sustainable (roads, parks, postage, etc.). Tax collection funds services that can't charge (law enforcement, military, congress, etc.)


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations; close all loopholes but keep deductions. We should also focus on proper licensing and closing illegal markets, then give tax credits/incentives to companies instead.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and close all loopholes as well. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes for small and medium-size businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and loopholes should be closed, so competition and economic opportunity can thrive. We should also focus on proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes for small and medium-size businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and loopholes should be closed, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. We should also focus on proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses but keep current rates for large corporations; and close all loopholes, but keep deductions, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets, and instead give incentives to companies.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses but keep current rates for large corporations as well as close all loopholes and deductions, so we can compete internationally and protect our domestic companies. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets, and instead give incentives to companies.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and close all loopholes and deductions as well. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Lower taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, but keep current rates for large corporations and eliminate all loopholes as well. Also, we should address other issues such as proper licensing and closing illegal markets.


Raise taxes on large corporations and eliminate all loopholes, and lower for small and medium-sized businesses. Also, make it illegal for corporations to outsource jobs or move to other countries.


Flat tax it and continue to offer tax incentives for things that help the economy (in ethical ways), provided that they ultimately make us more money


Flat tax it and continue to offer tax incentives for things that help the economy (in ethical ways)

 @8QG3TQJ from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for large multinational corporations, keep current rates for small businesses.


Do you feel there's a moral obligation for corporations to pay a certain level of taxes, or is their primary duty to maximize profits for shareholders?


How do you feel about the idea that big corporations should pay more taxes than small businesses?


If a company making billions in profit pays less tax than your family, how does that make you feel?


Can raising taxes on large corporations lead to better public services, or will it just push companies away?


Do you think it's fair for a company to move its headquarters to another country to pay less tax?


How would you feel if you knew a giant tech company paid zero dollars in federal taxes some years?


What impact do you think corporate taxes have on the price of products we buy every day?


If a company avoids paying taxes, does that influence your opinion or willingness to buy from them?


How important is it for big companies to contribute to the society and community they operate in?


In your view, should the tax system be adjusted to ensure more fairness between individuals and corporations?

 @8Q6C4Y4 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Lower partially, then lower it further after the national debt is reduced

 @8R2RMP3 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8XQ84PV from South Carolina  answered…3yrs3Y

They should increase taxes for big corporations, but lower taxes for small corporations

 @92JXK3J from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

Trump did it right. If you tax them more, they will outsource more. Give incentives to move manufacturing and jobs back to the USA and it will improve our economy. But I agree that there are too many loopholes. Close some loopholes to ensure they pay their fair share.

 @8KX67Q9 from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Maintain the current rate, but eliminate loopholes and make sure they pay the mandated amount.

 @8H4DF7B from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

Have a study on the efficiency of the tax. Also, get rid of tax loopholes for corporations.

 @7YFGPVT from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

1) Eliminate citizen income tax, and restructure corporate earnings tax to a lower linear incrementing tax.(i.e. Set a bottom threshold of $10M annual gross profit at 2%, $50M at 3%, $100 at 4%... and cap at $100B at %15). With no loopholes, and assessed to any company that does business in the US, regardless of where the corporate HQ are and where products/services are generated, to avoid "Off shore" parent company strategy.

2) Simplify, but increase property tax for all entitles, civilian, local business, and corporations. This tax would also scale linearly.

3) Eliminate local and state sales tax and institute a national Value Added Tax dispersed between local, state, and federal proportionally

 @5GHSCDS from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

 @68QRLZT from Louisiana  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise the tax rate, and eliminate deductions and loopholes, but this should only apply to large corporations.

 @5LVHG4V from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y


Increase the corporate tax rate and remove tax breaks, tax loopholes, and deductions for corporations.


No, and the corporate tax should be eliminated to ensure competitive fairness.

 @7GQMXLT from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Balance the budget, then we can talk about whether and how to finance tax cuts.

 @7NHC5ZQ from Idaho  answered…4yrs4Y

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7VPQLRK from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Remove imposed state and local taxes, but keep at the federal level to balance the playing field across states.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for large international corporations but lower for small businesses. Eliminate deductions and loopholes.

 @86N5Z35 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Keep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes. Corporations only get lower rates if they produce most of their goods in the U.S.

 @86N5Z35 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Maintain the current rate, but eliminate deductions and loop holes. Corporations only get lower rates if they produce most of their goods in the U.S.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise for large international corporations but lower for small businesses, and eliminate deductions and loopholes

 @8CMCHPM from Indiana  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase for multinational corporations but lower for small businesses, and remove loopholes and deductions.

 @8CN7P7L from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, that will keep jobs in the U.S and hopefully encourage companies to move to the U.S

 @8CQ4NFX from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

Somewhat , The tax rate should be raised on corporations that are larger and not raise tax on smaller corporations.

 @Finickydesert from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise, tax shareholder dividends, further raise if ceo pay is higher than 100% of lowest paid employee.

 @8DPWTGP from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Keep it at the worldwide rate to maintain a place in the global market.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise for large international corporations but lower for small businesses, and eliminate deductions and loopholes.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Lower the corporate tax rate to 28% but eliminate deductions and loopholes.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Raise for large international corporations and eliminate deductions and loopholes, but lower for small businesses.

 @8F5PKLS from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8G4Q6KZ from Iowa  answered…4yrs4Y

Higher taxes for larger corporations, lower for smaller. Regardless, eliminate/reduce loopholes.

 @8G9Q2ZB from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8H7MQKH from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase minimum wage to 20.00 and hour and make publicly held corporations into employee owned corporations.

 @8HJ6ZY7 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Maintain the revenue/income tax but levy a new tax on economic rents (eg land value tax or Henrg George's single-tax)

 @8HX2KD5 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Remove taxes on corporations, but the individual income of the shareholders and corporate officials should pay income tax like everyone else.

  @8JBN6KV from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Lower or abolish taxes on corporations. Also, the biggest multinational corps like Amazon, Google and Apple avoid paying taxes. Apple uses slave labor in other countries along with Nike!

 @8QPG4TW from New York  answered…4yrs4Y


I think that they should be lowered a little bit because it will give more job opportunities.

 @8LZNL4Z from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

They have so many loop holes that raising them it would only effect small companies.

 @8M6DT9W from North Dakota  answered…4yrs4Y

Reevaluate the current tax structure and modify to balance the needs of the US and of businesses. Tax incentives would be available to businesses that support US based jobs.