Try the political quiz

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How would your fashion choices change if your wardrobe was sourced entirely from local designers and producers?


If your holiday celebrations excluded global influences, what unique local customs would you most enjoy?


How would hobbies and sports in your area change if they were no longer influenced by international stars?


Can sharing and celebrating local success stories create a stronger sense of community; do you know any examples?


If you could only read books written by authors from your region, what stories or perspectives do you think you'd encounter?


How would the art scene in your town change if it only featured local artists?


If the products you use daily were all made in your local area, how do you think that would affect the community?


What aspects of your life do you think would improve if you relied more on your immediate community rather than the global community?


How would major sports leagues operate if they could only recruit local athletes?


How do you think the way we address climate change would change if efforts were focused on local rather than global actions?


What local achievements or talents are often overshadowed due to the global spotlight?


How would the friendships you've formed online change if you could only connect with people from your own country?


Have you ever thought about the advantages and disadvantages of attending a school that focuses exclusively on local history and values?


If you were to start a business, how would you try to succeed without relying on global supply chains?


How do you think your quality of life might be affected if travel was restricted to domestic destinations only?


How might your perception of social justice issues differ if examined solely from a local rather than global perspective?


Do you think the importance of learning other languages would decrease in a world less connected by globalization?


If given a choice, would you prefer local news sources over international ones, and why?


How might language diversity be affected in a world leaning towards anti-globalization?


Do you think the health of the planet would improve if our lives were less globally integrated?


How would the clothing industry look in a world where fashion trends were dictated by local customs and climates?


What aspects of globalization do you think could be contributing to an increase in cultural misunderstandings?


What would your reaction be if your local cultural landmarks were converted into commercial global tourist spots?


What traditions in your family or community do you think resist the influence of global culture?


Can you describe a moment where you chose a local product over a global one, and what motivated your decision?


How would you feel if your favorite local restaurant was replaced by an international fast-food chain?


If you had the power, what local practice or industry would you preserve against the pressures of global standardization?


How important is it for you to have access to global products and services versus locally produced ones?


What would your main concern be if educational content were more focused on local context than global knowledge?


What concerns do you have about the potential impact of international agreements on your local job market?


Can you describe a time when you felt a strong connection to a local tradition or festival?


What unique aspect of your local culture do you think would be most vulnerable in a globalized world?


How would your life be different if your community's economy prioritized local artisans and producers?


How could a shift towards localism impact your diet and food preferences?


In a scenario with no international aid, how do you imagine your community would tackle large-scale challenges?


What aspects of your daily life do you think would improve by placing more value on local production and consumption?


Can you think of ways that reduced global trade might make your community more self-sufficient or resilient?


What local events or festivals do you think could be lost in an increasingly globalized world?


How would your relationships with friends and family change if technology like social media was entirely local?


What personal values would you prioritize in a world less influenced by globalization?


In what ways have you benefited from global connectivity, and how might less of it change your life?


How would you imagine daily life if global streaming services or social media platforms were replaced by local alternatives?


Have you seen any positive outcomes from grassroots movements or local activism against globalization in your community?


How could focusing on local economies instead of global markets affect environmental sustainability in your region?


How might increased economic protectionism impact your future job prospects and ambitions?


Have you or someone you know been directly impacted by job outsourcing, and how did it affect your view on globalization?


How might your personal consumption habits change if there were fewer imported goods available?


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the influence of multinational corporations in your everyday life?


How has the push for globalization affected your community's small businesses and their ability to compete?


How important is it for you to protect and nurture your local environment against the pressures of global economic development?