Try the political quiz

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How do we ensure that future technological advancements align with the principles of a liberal democracy?


Have you ever been persuaded to change your stance on an issue due to a well-presented argument, and what did it involve?


When you disagree with a law or policy, what actions do you think are appropriate to take?


What measures do you think are necessary to ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law?


Reflect on a time when you had to defend a principle important to democracy?


Do you think compulsory voting would strengthen or weaken a democracy and why?


Can you think of a time when a group decision didn't go your way, and how did you handle it?


How do you propose we address economic inequalities within a democratic society?


In what ways do you feel personally responsible for upholding democratic values?


What role do you believe social media should play in a democracy?


If you had to explain why voting matters to a friend, what would you say?


Have you ever felt that the 'voices' of certain groups are amplified over others; how does that shape your perception of fairness?


Which do you value more: personal privacy or societal security, and why?


In discussions about the environment, which arguments do you find most compelling, emotional or scientific, and why?


What are your thoughts on the balance between economic development and conservation of natural resources?


What role do you see technology playing in solving environmental problems, and can you give an example?


How do conversations with friends about climate change and sustainability influence your views and actions?


When you hear about environmental disasters in the news, how does it affect your perspective on your own environmental impact?


If you could innovate one solution to reduce waste in your community, what would it entail?


How do you think climate change could personally affect your future, and does this worry or motivate you?


When making purchases, do you consider the environmental impact of what you buy, and what factors influence your decision?


How does seeing litter in your community make you feel about our collective responsibility towards the Earth?


What efforts do you think your school or community should make to be more sustainable, and why?


Have you ever given up some comfort or convenience for the sake of protecting the environment, and how did that make you feel?


How would you address the challenge of misinformation in a society that values free speech?


What does justice mean to you in the context of school or community life?


Have you been involved in an election that didn't go the way you wanted, and how did you respond?


Can you give an example where you had to defend a person's right to express an unpopular opinion?


How would you explain the importance of checks and balances to someone your age?


Have you ever had to prioritize community needs over your personal desires, and what did you learn from that experience?


What do you think are the essential qualities of a good leader in a democratic society?


How would you feel if a decision that impacts your daily life was made without your input?


What's one action you've taken that you believe contributed to the common good in your community?


How does the concept of 'majority rules' sit with you when your opinion is in the minority?


In what situation have you felt most valued as part of a larger group, and why did it matter to you?


When have you faced a rule that felt unjust and what would you propose to make it fairer?


Can you give an example of a time when protecting someone's freedom meant making a personal sacrifice?


How do discussions and debates in your classroom mirror the importance of dialogue in a democracy?


How does participating in school elections make you feel about your role in bigger political processes?


In what ways do you try to understand perspectives different from your own within your community or school?


How would you explain the concept of 'equal opportunity' to a friend, and why is it important?


What does it mean to you to have a 'voice' in society, and how do you use it?


Have you ever advocated for a change in your school or community because you believed it would benefit the majority?


Can you recall a time when you saw the benefits of having a diversity of candidates in an election, even at the school level?


Have you ever changed your opinion based on someone else's argument, and what did that teach you about the value of dialogue?


How would you change your school or local community to be more inclusive and respectful of different viewpoints?


What does 'freedom of speech' mean to you, and have you ever had to defend a viewpoint you didn't agree with?


Is there a particular social issue you feel passionately about, and how would you convince others of its importance?


What actions do you take to ensure your voice is heard in decisions that affect your life?


How do you balance your personal freedom with responsibilities to others in your community or family?