Try the political quiz

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How would you prioritize different forms of clean energy, and what values would guide your choices?


In what ways have local or global environmental disasters influenced your thinking about sustainable living?


What emotions do you experience when you think about the potential for human error in managing nuclear technology?


If a friend were worried about nuclear power, what would you say to comfort or inform them?


Have you ever participated in a protest or advocacy group about an environmental issue, and what did it mean to you?


Is there a place you love in nature, and how would you feel if it was threatened by proposed nuclear development?


Can you describe a situation where you felt a strong emotional response to an environmental issue, and did it change your habits?


How should we address the challenges that workers in the nuclear industry might face during a potential phase-out?


What personal changes have you made or are you willing to make to support a transition to cleaner energy?


How can young people make their voices heard effectively in debates about national energy policy?


If you were to create a campaign promoting alternative energy sources, what message would you want to share?


What are your greatest hopes and fears when you think about the energy that powers our lives?


How does the idea of leaving a sustainable planet for future generations influence your energy preferences?


What could schools do to better educate students about the pros and cons of nuclear energy?


How important is it for individuals to contribute to energy-related decisions that affect their region?


How do you reconcile the need for energy with the desire to protect the environment?


How does the risk of potential nuclear accidents weigh on your mind when considering different energy sources?


Do you feel that your local community is adequately informed about the energy sources it uses?


If you had the power to decide your country's energy future, what would your first action be and why?


How do you imagine the world would change if all nuclear power plants were replaced with renewable energy farms?


What alternative energy project would you start in your own community to move away from nuclear power?


Should we prioritize technological development in sustainable energy over nuclear energy, and what are the pros and cons?


Can you think of an instance where you had to choose between a risky but effective solution and a safer, unproven alternative?


What's your take on investing in renewable energy compared to the costs of nuclear energy?


How might the legacy of past nuclear accidents influence our energy choices today?


How would you feel if a nuclear power plant was proposed near your home, and why?


In terms of climate change, do you think nuclear power is part of the problem or part of the solution?


How much trust do you place in the technology and regulations meant to ensure nuclear power's safety?


Would you support the idea of local communities having a say in whether they want a nuclear power plant in their area?


How does the possibility of nuclear technology being used for weapons influence your opinion on nuclear energy?


Could investing in renewable energy sources be more beneficial than nuclear power in the long run?


What are your thoughts on the long-term storage of nuclear waste and its impact on future generations?


How would you feel if a nuclear power plant was built near your home?