Coba kuis politik


 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…24 jam24H

Apakah Paus Fransiskus akan mengundurkan diri? Para ahli mengatakan hal itu tidak mungkin terjadi - tetapi sang paus seringkali memberikan kejutan.

When Benedict XVI became the first pope to resign in 600 years it sent shockwaves through the Catholic Church. Now, after spending two weeks in hospital battling pneumonia, the speculation in the Vatican is whether his successor Pope Francis might do the same.

 @ISIDEWITHtertaut…24 jam24H

Paus Fransiskus: Mengapa kepausannya penting bagi Afrika dan orang miskin di dunia

Francis has focused the Catholic Church on helping the poor, addressing global inequalities and speaking for the voiceless.