정치 퀴즈를 시도

10 답변


How do you think a country should balance economic growth with ensuring that all its citizens benefit from that growth?


Have you or your family ever been directly affected by unemployment or low wages, and what policies do you think could have helped?


What role do you believe social safety nets should play in society?


In your opinion, how important is it for a nation to have affordable healthcare and education for all, and why?


What are your thoughts on the importance of a country being part of larger unions or organizations like the European Union?


If you had the power, what policy would you implement to reduce income inequality in your society?


어떻게 정부가 정책이 언제나 비즈니스 부문과 노동 계급 모두의 최선의 이익을 위해 있는지 보장할 수 있을까요?


What experiences have you had with social services, and how could they be improved in your community?


Can you share a time when you felt that political decisions directly impacted your life or the lives of those around you?


정치 당의 가치는 사회에서 가장 취약한 그룹의 필요와 어떻게 일치해야 한다고 생각하십니까?