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5 відповідей


How would you personally feel if your family's savings were significantly affected by a major stock market downturn?


Do you think it's fair that decisions made by a few (like the Federal Reserve) can have such a big impact on the financial well-being of many?


If you had the power, would you prioritize cutting interest rates to prevent a recession, even if it could lead to other economic issues later?


How would a major economic downturn, such as the one indicated by the plunging Dow futures, affect your future plans or dreams?


Considering the global impact of U.S. stock market performances, should other countries be able to have a say in U.S. economic policies?

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Останній активнийДіяльність7 дискусіїВплив1 заручиниУпередженість заручин100%Упередженість аудиторії100%Активний вВечіркаНезадекларованийМісцезнаходженняAbington, MA